Our objectives
Our way of working
Taxation study
Before starting to sell your house you need to know the exact amount of taxes that you will have to pay both to the Treasury and the City Council.

Professional photo report, distribution plan, video-visit and 360 tour
We use the best tools on the market so that your property reaches the buyer in the most real and visual way. Thanks to this we get to be very efficient and that your property stands out from the others.
Filtering of potential buyers
Anyone interested in one of our homes goes through a research phase, so that when visiting the property, only those who really want and can buy go.
The communication between you and us must be continuous and fluid. Every week or every fifteen days, as we agree, we will send you a report with the result of the commercialization and we will meet periodically to analyze the results and take the measures that we believe appropriate.
We have the support of lawyers specializing in real estate issues. Thus we manage to sell in the safest way for all.
We make available to the buyer both financial professionals and the most competitive construction and reform companies. With this, we achieve that the purchase-sale process is streamlined and guarantees the satisfaction of both you and the buyer.
Publication on our websites and real estate magazine
We will announce your home not only on our website, but also on that of all our associates and on the main real estate portals using positioning techniques.
In addition, we publish our bimonthly magazine that is distributed in the main points of the island.

Other commercial actions
Depending on each property we can use: open house, advertising campaigns in social networks, campaigns in Google Adwords, street marketing campaigns, flyer preparation, mail and billboards, etc.
After-sales service
Once we have sold your home you can continue to count on us (taxes, supplies, etc.)
We help you to fix the price of your property
- No visitors
- There are visits, but no offers
- Buyers ask "How long has the house for sale?"
- As time goes by, the house devalues and ends up selling below the market price
- Many visits
- Very motivated buyers
- Quick sale and in its price
Problems that an owner who wants to sell on his own can suffer